Victor J. Sanchez-Morcillo | IGIC | Department of Applied Physics | Polytechnical University of Valencia


Topics of interest

My resarch interest are related to linear and nonlinear wave propagation in different physical systems, particularly in the framework of acoustics and optics.  My current lines of research are the following:


(click to see the complete list)

Self-organization of sound and light in resonators

Self-organization is the spontaneous emergence of spatial and temporal order from an initially disordered or uniform state. It is a symmetry-breaking, universal phenomenon, and it is ubiquitous in almost all branches of science (physics, chemistry, biology, or even in social sciences). My research career begun with the study of these phenomena in optical resonators, such as lasers and optical parametric oscillators. Extended (rolls, hexagons) and localized (solitons) patterns where described in these systems, and this was he subject of my PhD thesis [1-3]. Some years later, I changed to the study of acoustical problems. Acoustic waves behave, under given conditions, in a similar way as optical waves, and one can expect in principle to observe similar things. However, as difference from optics, pattern formations has not clearly demonstrated in acoustics up to now. We are considering the evolution of the ultrasonic field in acoustic resonators under two conditions: containing viscous (e.g. glycerine) and nonviscous (e.g. water) fluids. In the first case [4] the field frequency is manteined (there are no harmonic generation), but it is coupled to a temperature field (thermoacoustic interaction). An example of the experimentally obtained patterns can be observed in the figure. In the second case [5], the parametric interaction of acoustic waves occurs, similar to that obtained in an optical resonator.    

Some selected publications:
  1. Valcarcel, K.Staliunas, V.J.Sanchez-Morcillo, and E.Roldán,Transverse Patterns in Degenerate Optical Parametric Oscillation and Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing,  Physical Review A 54, 1609-1624 (1996).  
  2. K.Staliunas and V.J.Sanchez-Morcillo, Localized Structures in Degenerate Optical Parametric Oscillators, Optics Communications 139 306-312 (1997).
  3. V.J. Sánchez-Morcillo, I Pérez-Arjona, F. Silva, G.J. de Valcárcel and E. Roldán, Vectorial Kerr-cavity solitons, Optics Letters 25, 957-959 (2000)
  4. I. Pérez-Arjona, Sánchez-Morcillo V.J. y G.J. de Valcárcel, Ultrasonic cavity solitons, Europhysics Letters 82, 100002 (2008)
  5. Sánchez-Morcillo V.J., I. Pérez-Arjona y V. Espinosa, Bistable and dynamic states of parametrically excited ultrasound in a fluid-filled interferometer, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (en prensa, 2009)

Wave beams in sonic and photonic crystals

Sonic and photonic crystals are  materials with the acoustical and optical properties periodically distributed in space. They are now very famous because their ability to modify the propagation of sound and light waves, and there are promising applications related with them.  We are interested in the propagation of finite-width beams, and investigate how the crystals can modifiy the diffraction of the waves. We have succesfully demonstrated the subdiffractive propagation (with negligible diffractive spreading) of an acoustic beam, both in two [1] and three [2] dimensions  (see our 3D crystal in the figure).  Recently, we have also discovered that periodic media have the ability to act, for particular frequencies, as spatial filters,  improving the beam quality [3]. This effect is specially important in chirped crystals (whose periodicity slowly changes along the propagation direction). We also explore the ability of sonic crystals to focus sound beams, and the design of directional sound sources based on these materials.  
 Some selected publications:

1. Sánchez-Morcillo V.J., J. Redondo, I. Pérez-Arjona, V. Espinosa y K. Staliunas, Subdiffractive propagation in sonic crystals, Physical Review B 76, 140302(R) (2007)
2. E. Soliveres, V. Espinosa, I. Pérez-Arjona, Sánchez-Morcillo V.J. y K. Staliunas, Self collimation of ultrasound in a 3D sonic crystal, Applied Physics Letters 94, 164101 (2009)
3. K. Staliunas  y Sánchez-Morcillo V.J.,
Spatial filtering of light by chirped photonic crystals, Physical Review A 79, 053807(2009)

High intensity focused ultrasound beams

   Also known by its achronym HIFU, they are one of the most extended applications of nonlinear acoustics, mainly in medicine (lithotripsy, tumoral therapies, etc). However, from the theoretical viewpoint it is a very complex problem and many fundamental aspects related with the propagation of intense ultrasound bems are still not well known. We are investigating how the focusing characteristics of a beam depend on the systems characteristics, particularly its aperture (more concretely, its Fresnel number). Low Fresnel number (low gain) systems show unexpected features, like a shift of the focal point towards the source, which becomes dynamical in the nonlinear regime [1,2]. Our study includes also the study of the transverse amplitude and phase profiles of the radiated ultrasound.  We have also studied theoretically the possibility of self-trapped (waveguide) propagation of sound beams in a medium with non-inertial (non-thermal) nonlinearity. Although the existence of these states is well stablished in optics (spatial solitons), the specific and complicated features which are unique to nonlinear acoustics, mainly the absence of dispersion and higher harmonic generation, makes this problem extremely challenging [3].
All these studies are done in collaboration with my friend Dr. Yuri N. Makov, from Moscow State University.
Some selected publications:

1. Y.N. Makov, V.J. Sánchez-Morcillo, F. Camarena y V. Espinosa, Nonlinear change of on-axis pressure and intensity maxima positions and its relation with the linear focal shift  effect, Ultrasonics 48, 678-685 (2008)
2. Y.N. Makov, V. Espinosa, V.J. Sánchez-Morcillo, J. Ramis, J. Cruañes y F. Camarena, Strong on-axis focal shift and its nonlinear variation in low-Fresnel number ultrasound beams, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119, 3618-3626 (2006)
3. Y. N. Makov and V.J. Sánchez-Morcillo, On the different waveforms for self-trapped acoustical beams, Acta Acustica 90, 9-12 (2004)

Waves in nonlinear lattices and granular media

Chain of coupled pendula

Lattices are system formed by interacting discrete elements, and appear naturally in many branches of physics. They describe atomic lattices, macromolecules, spin systems, arrays of optical waveguides, Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices, etc. From the mathematical point of view, these systems can be modeled as periodic arays of  nonlinearly coupled oscillators. I am interested in lattice models representing macroscopic systems, which can be easily explored experimentally. These include 1D granular chains, coupled pendula and magnetic lattices. Granular chains consist in arrays of metalic spheres in contact, loaded by an external force. When the chain is driven by some external harmonic input, waves propagate though the chain.     
The above studies are carried out in collaboration Vincent Tournat and Vitalyi Gusev, at the Université du Maine, Le mans (France)


Physics of the coastal environments  

The beach is a fascinating place for a physicist. Later I will describe here some of my particular interests related to nonlinear dynamical processes in the beach.



What else? So many interesting things to investigate...

Victor J. Sanchez-Morcillo | IGIC | Department of Applied Physics | Politechnical University of Valencia