Víctor J. Sánchez-Morcillo | IGIC | EPSG | Department of Applied Physics | UPV


Staliunas K. y Sánchez-Morcillo V.J.   
Transverse patterns in nonlinear optical resonators.
Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, vol. 183.
Springer (2003)

Journal Articles

38. Sánchez-Morcillo V.J., K. Staliunas, V. Espinosa, I. Pérez-Arjona, J. Redondo y E. Soliveres, Propagation of sound beams behind sonic crystals, Physical Review  B (enviado, 25/02/2009)

37. Sánchez-Morcillo V.J., I. Pérez-Arjona y V. Espinosa, Bistable and dynamic states of parametrically excited ultrasound in a fluid-filled interferometer, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (en prensa, 2009)

36. K. Staliunas  y Sánchez-Morcillo V.J., Spatial filtering of light by chirped photonic crystals, Physical Review A 79, 053807(2009)

35. E. Soliveres, V. Espinosa, I. Pérez-Arjona, Sánchez-Morcillo V.J. y K. Staliunas, Self collimation of ultrasound in a 3D sonic crystal, Applied Physics Letters 94, 164101 (2009)

34. I. Pérez-Arjona, Sánchez-Morcillo V.J, J. Redondo, K. Staliunas y E. Roldán, Diffusion stabilizes cavity solitons in bidirectional lasers, Optics Express 17, 4897-4903 (2009)

33. Y.N. Makov, V.J. Sánchez-Morcillo, F. Camarena y V. Espinosa, Nonlinear change of on-axis pressure and intensity maxima positions and its relation with the linear focal shift  effect, Ultrasonics 48, 678-685 (2008)
32. I. Pérez-Arjona, Sánchez-Morcillo V.J. y G.J. de Valcárcel, Ultrasonic cavity solitons, Europhysics Letters 82, 100002 (2008)

31. I. Pérez-Arjona, Sánchez-Morcillo V.J y E. Roldán, Cavity solitons in bidirectional lasers, Optics Letters 32, 3221-3223 (2007)

30. Sánchez-Morcillo V.J., J. Martínez-Mora y J. Redondo, Excitability of ultrasound in a magnetoacoustic resonator, Physical Review E 75, 015062(R) ( 2007)
29. Sánchez-Morcillo V.J., J. Redondo, I. Pérez-Arjona, V. Espinosa y K. Staliunas, Subdiffractive propagation in sonic crystals, Physical Review B 76, 140302(R) (2007)

28. I. Pérez-Arjona, Sánchez-Morcillo V.J., J. Redondo, V. Espinosa y K. Staliunas, Theoretical prediction of the nondiffractive propagation of sonic waves through periodic acoustic media, Physical Review B 75, 014304 (2007)
27. M. Ardid, J. Ramis, V. Espinosa, J. Martínez-Mora, F. Camarena, J. Alba and V.J. Sánchez-Morcillo, First activities in acoustic detection of particles in UPV, International Journal of Modern Physics A 21, 37-41 (2006)

26. Sánchez-Morcillo V.J., V. Espinosa, J. Redondo y J. Alba, Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in parametric sound generation, Acta Acustica united with Acustica 92, 210-216 (2006)

25. Y.N. Makov, V. Espinosa, V.J. Sánchez-Morcillo, J. Ramis, J. Cruañes y F. Camarena, Strong on-axis focal shift and its nonlinear variation in low-Fresnel number ultrasound beams, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119, 3618-3626 (2006)
24. I. Pérez-Arjona y Sánchez-Morcillo V.J., Pattern formation in parametric sound generation, Physical Review E 72, 066202 (2005)
23. Sánchez-Morcillo V.J., J. Redondo, J. Martínez-Mora, V. Espinosa y F. Camarena, Self-pulsing dynamics of ultrasound in a magnetoacoustic resonator, Physical Review E 72, 036611 (2005)
22. Sánchez-Morcillo V.J., V. Espinosa, I.P. Arjona, F. Silva, E. Roldán y G.J. de Valcárcel, Dynamics of domain walls in a kerr cavity, Physical Review E 71, 066209 (2005)

21. K. Staliunas y Sánchez-Morcillo V.J., Ising-Bloch transition for extended patterns, Physical Review E 72, 016203 (2005)

20. I. Pérez-Arjona, F. Silva, G.J. de Valcárcel, E. Roldán y V.J. Sánchez-Morcillo, The Ising-Bloch transition in degenerate optical parametric oscillators, Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 6, S361-S368 (2004)
19. Y. N. Makov and V.J. Sánchez-Morcillo, On the different waveforms for self-trapped acoustical beams, Acta Acustica 90, 9-12 (2004)
18. V.J. Sánchez-Morcillo, Spontaneous pattern formation in an acoustical resonator, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 115, 111-119 (2004).
17. J. Ramis, J. Alba and V.J. Sánchez-Morcillo, Improvement of the prediction of transmission loss of double partitions with cavity absorption by minimization techniques, Journal of Sound and Vibration 273, 793-804 (2004).
16. I. Pérez-Arjona, V.J. Sánchez-Morcillo, G.J. de Valcárcel and E. Roldán, Bright cavity solitons in anisotropic vectorial Kerr cavities, Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 3, 118-123 (2001).
15. V.J. Sánchez-Morcillo, I Pérez-Arjona, F. Silva, G.J. de Valcárcel and E. Roldán, Vectorial Kerr-cavity solitons, Optics Letters 25, 957-959 (2000)
14. V.J. Sánchez-Morcillo, G. J. De Valcárcel and E. Roldán, Polarization instability in anisotropic-cavity degenerate four-wave mixing, Optics Communications 173, 381-387 (2000)
13.  K.Staliunas, and V.J.Sanchez-Morcillo, Turing Patterns in Nonlinear Optics, Optics Communications 177, 389-295 (2000)
12.  V.J.Sanchez-Morcillo, K.Staliunas, Role of Pump Diffraction on Stability of Localized Structures in DOPOs, Physical Review E, 61, 7076-7080 (2000).
11.  V.J.Sanchez-Morcillo, K.Staliunas, Stability of Localized structures in the Swift-Hohenberg Equation, Physical Review E 60, 6153-6156 (1999).
10.  Sánchez-Morcillo V.J. y de Valcárcel G.J., Closed Busse balloon for rolls and skew-varicose instability in a Swift-Hohenberg model with nonlinear resonance, Physics Letters A 246, 293-298 (1998)
9. García-Ojalvo J., Sánchez-Morcillo V.J., Brambilla M., Torrent M.C. y Vilaseca R., Pattern formation in three-level lasers systems, Asian Journal of Physics 7, 576-587 (1998)
8. V.J.Sanchez-Morcillo, G.J.de Valcarcel, E.Roldán, and K.Staliunas, Traveling Wave-Standing Wave Competition in a Generalized Complex Swift-Hohenberg Equation, Physical Review E 57, R4911-4914 (1998).
7. K.Staliunas, and V.J.Sanchez-Morcillo, Dynamics of Domains in Swift-Hohenberg Equation, Physics Letters A 241, 28-34 (1998).
6. K.Staliunas, and V.J.Sanchez-Morcillo, Spatial Localized Structures in Degenerate Optical Parametric Oscillators, Physical Review A 57, 1454-1457 (1998).
5. V.J.Sanchez-Morcillo, E.Roldán, G.J.de Valcarcel, and K.Staliunas, Generalized Complex Swift-Hohenberg Equation for Optical Parametric Oscillators, Physical Review A 56, 3237-3244 (1997).
4. K.Staliunas and V.J.Sanchez-Morcillo, Localized Structures in Degenerate Optical Parametric Oscillators, Optics Communications 139 306-312 (1997).
3. G.J.de Valcarcel, K.Staliunas, V.J.Sanchez-Morcillo, and E.Roldán,Transverse Patterns in Degenerate Optical Parametric Oscillation and Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing,  Physical Review A 54, 1609-1624 (1996).

2. V.J. Sánchez Morcillo and G.J. de Valcárcel, Swift-Hohenberg equation for nascent two-photon optical bistability in the weakly dispersive limit, Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 8, 919-929 (1996)
1. V.J. Sánchez Morcillo, E. Roldán and G.J. de Valcárcel, Lasing without Inversion via a self-pulsing instability, Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 7, 889-899 (1995)

Víctor J. Sánchez-Morcillo | IGIC | EPSG | Department of Applied Physics | UPV